
Hey! Why Don’t We Decimate The English Language?

July 28 2008, 1:06 PM

See how stupid that sounds? But it's true. That's what everyone is contributing too. We are slowly crippling the English language, and soon, a proper essay will be full of meaningless "LOLs and LMAOs". It's getting to a point where people replace letters and keep it the same fucking length! I mean if you really feel the need to replace "you" with "u" then apart from the fact that you're a moron, you at least have a reason for it. But it's people who replace "you" with "yuu" or "yew" that I really don't understand. You're just being fucking retarded when you insist on writing like that.

Or when you stick a double letter there for the sake of it. "Yeahh ii'l bee there lyykk." You sound as well as look like a kid with a severe case of Down syndrome. I usually see this when girls are replying to comments on Myspace or whatever shitty community they are using. Why do they do it? "to make it look pretty." It doesn't look pretty it looks horrible. I feel the need to smack people when they write like this.

I guess I'll never truly understand why people feel the need to use chat speak in their conversations. It's just another way of proving how fucking lazy we as a generation are. Most of us are too fucking lazy to press 2 more keys. Apart from the fact that this is depressing it's just plain idiotic. It's not going to kill you to spend a few seconds more writing a message in proper fucking English. And if it does kill you, well, you fucking deserved it.

It is a disgrace to the English language that we have developed into babbling morons that cannot spell just a sentence correctly. I've heard people say that when writing an English essay they have almost written "u" instead of "you". This is just depressing. All this technology which is meant to improve our minds is slowly turning us into lazy, stupid people.

Easily my least favourite word in chat speak is "wot" or "wat". You don't pronounce it like that, so why do you feel the need to be a overly obnoxious jackass and use it? It looks and sounds stupid, which surprisingly enough reflects on the person that wrote it.

"Huhhuh yehh, lolololll wot u meen?"  Why do you feel the need to spell like fucking twats? Why can't you use proper punctuation so that maybe we can preserve what little of the English language you know? Or are you too much of a lazy shit that you cannot be bothered to press a few extra fucking buttons?! Because if you are then you really have delved into a world of stupidity. Have fun, you'll spend the rest of you pathetic life there, you fucking moron.

Oh yeah, I only allow one exception and that's if your on a phone because it's a pain in the ass to text full words like that. You're the lucky ones that don't have to worry about getting me pissed about something like this.


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  • 15 years old


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Last update Jul 28, 2008
